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My First Furniture Refurbish

I found this vintage chic, 70's esque dresser on craigslist the other day. I desperately have needed a dresser since moving into the house with Kenny, and this one seemed perfect.

I have seen a lot of furniture restore projects on pinterest and was debating whether to go a little wild or try to stay classic.

I ended up going wilder than I anticipated!

I chose to spray paint the piece because

1. I'm impatient

2. I don't like brush marks

3. I'm impatient.

I looked for a dark navy blue matte spray paint and failed. The closest I could find that wasn't high gloss was a satin oxford blue.

I figured hey, the dresser is already black, so maybe it'll look a little darker against that backdrop.

*Spoiler* - It didn't.

I am in love with metalics right now ( like everyone else - I won't pretend I'm not basic), and while I know they are trendy and didn't want to steep the piece in them, I wanted to make a statement and highlight some nice features of the dresser - boy did I.

Let me start with my inspiration: I stumbled upon the blog Upcycled Treasures via Pinterest and fell in love with many of her pieces.

Particularly, this one:

So rich so chic I absolutely love it.

So here is how mine turned out.

Drum roll please:

Yes, I was still touching up when I took this photo, I was running outta daylight and by the time I finished, I was out. So the lines look a bit cleaner now.

So did it turn out exactly the way I wanted it ? Eh no. Is the copper a little too orange next to that blue? probably.

But I still can't wait to get it into our masterbed room - aka "the construction zone" -ready so I can see this bad boy in a real bedroom setting. - Perhaps someday I'll find the navy spray paint I long for and try again. But this desperate gal is just happy to have a place to put her delicates!

I decided not to "dip" spray the bottoms because I felt it would be overwhelming - but on second thought, maybe it would even it out? - What do you think?!

I obviously can't do the awesome hardware on this like she did, because when you take off the hardware that is there, there is a giant hole in the wood.

I also debated doing the neat drawer feature in a high gloss blue paint so it is highlighted but doesn't stand out quite as much - Perhaps I'll do that when metalics go out of vogue.

The best part about having a solid piece of furniture is that the possibilities are endless. If I really wanted to put some time into it, I'd most likely revert it back to wood and stain it a nice deep mahogany.

A little about my process so you can see how I managed to get this done in under 3 hours.

I started by lightly sanding it down so the paint would stick.

Then I covered the front with trashbags

Next is the fun part - Spray painting! I found going back in forth the shortest distance is better than going back and forth the longest distance - if that makes sense - less round spray marks that way (and less dripping)

All in all I use just under 3 spraycans of blue and barely half of the copper.

To get the small lines on the drawers, I sprayed the pain into the cap of an empty spray can and painted it on using a small painters brush.

And viola! A colorful dresser that will make a statement.

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